Using wood for fuel is becoming a popular choice in the UK, prompting the comeback of the woodburner.
This is partly due to rising energy prices, Government grants and the efficiency of modern woodburners.
The modern woodburner is capable of heating an entire house, producing very little ash or smoke and is about 80% heat efficient compared to an open fire, which is 30% heat efficient.
Wood can count as a renewable source of energy as long as a new tree is planted for every tree cut down and with the Government’s Boiler Scrappage scheme, a grant worth £400 for woodburing boilers, wood is becoming a very competitive and realistic option.
The Government is also helping families with low income by offering them a £3,500 grant towards heating installation.
Choosing wood as a fuel to heat your home may save you money, but it can be a time consuming option. Choosing the right type of wood to burn is also important.
According to Barber Starkey, “Ninety per cent of problems are due to poor fuel. Anyone can sell you seasoned wood, it is meaningless. Ideally you should buy it a year ahead and store it off the ground, covered but with air circulating.”