The end of 2010 saw close the controversial poll ‘Who is better at DIY: men or women?’
The result was remarkably close – 51% of those who responded decided that men are best – the narrowest of victories for chaps the world over!
Perhaps it was the expected answer but the score was close, suggesting that men are nowhere near as competent as they think they are. For example, one forum visitor moaned that her husband has been ‘working’ on the kitchen for almost three years and it still wasn’t finished. She added that she was sure she could have completed the job in a couple of months.
Another female added that without women men would be “living in houses with no style, all dirty and falling down”.
The wittiest comment came from a wife who explained that, “my husband tells me the secret to good DIY is the preparation. If that’s the case he’s been ‘preparing’ to decorate the spare bedroom for the last six years”.
The men were just as forthright with their views. One ‘Guest’ responded that ‘varnishing your nails does not count as DIY’ (it’s probably for the best he didn’t provide his real name).
Clearly men and women could argue forever over who is best with the brush or worst at wallpapering but the only way to answer the question is to demonstrate it in your own home – that’s the DIY challenge for 2011!
To see the results for yourself visit the forum: