DIYers who want to replace their old windows with double glazing may be able to benefit from a new scrappage scheme.
Anglian Home Improvements has announced that it is introducing a £2,000 National Window Scrappage Scheme.
This means that DIYers who want to change their old windows can scrap them in return for cash towards double glazing.
Melanie Russell, head of marketing and communications at Anglican Home Improvements, said the scrappage scheme replaces old windows with energy-efficient ones.
"This winter UK households can retain more heat while actually spending less heating their homes," she added.
Ms Russell commented that the scrappage scheme fully supported the Glass and Glazing Federation’s government e-petition that is calling for a window scrappage scheme.
This follows calls from the Corgi Trust for a boiler scrappage scheme, which would help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
By 2030 the UK government has pledged to reduce carbon dioxide by almost one-third.