As the weather warms and windows start to open be prepared for an increase in moth activity within your home. Moths are active from May until October and are notorious for eating clothes, carpets, and other fabrics – with wool being one of their favourite snacks!
Finding little moth holes in your clothes can be infuriating, finding bald patches in your carpet even more so. With costs rising, if replacing a carpet can be avoided that would be ideal for most families.
There are preventative actions you can take, regular washing of clothes and keeping carpets vacuumed, especially under furniture where the larvae typically inhabit. Moths like to be left in peace; regular disruption will help deter them from thriving.
Manmade carpets can help prevent moths, although nylon or polypropylene are not fully immune from being attacked. Placing lavender near windows and within wardrobes may also help, as the smell tends to repel moths. There are also products that can aid your battle, moth pheromone traps can attract males before they mate. If the moths get out of hand pest control may be your last resort.
I used the pheromone traps (from amazon) with mixed success. Ended up replacing my wool carpets with manmade carpets