The financial benefits that carrying out eco DIY projects can bring need be made clearer to homeowners, it has been suggested.
Pointing out people "are motivated by money rather than environmental issues", Gordon Miller, founder of sustainable property website, states that only if the link between boosting a home’s energy-efficiency and reduced utility bills is made apparent will homeowners act.
He adds that at present a significant number of Britons are put off from carrying out eco-friendly home improvements due to the initial outlay involved.
Mr Miller also cites the length of time that it will take to recoup the initial expenditure of such projects in the form of lower energy bills as a reason for why many people are uncertain about energy-efficient improvements.
Those keen on getting to grips with eco DIY could be interested in advice from ECOutlet to take steps to seal draughts, as the typical home loses a fifth of its heat due to poor ventilation.